Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blogfest for Dramatic Tension

Just a quick note tonight. This morning I heard of a Blogfest for the fiction writers among us (and I know there's a few:) )

It's hosted by DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude, and the idea is to post something that illustrates dramatic tension. Swing on by and check it out!

And just to clarify on that “diet,” it wasn't meant to be an on-going thing, just a week-long cleanse. Made it 5 ½ days; not too bad:)


  1. Thanks for the tip and putting us staight about your diet,

    Have a good day.

  2. Will, I might just check that out! Congrats, great jumpstart~

  3. Yeah, I gotta agree with 道歉是人類一定必要的禮節.

    :-) Read back a couple and I agree that so many diets get old quickly. Why won't someone just force us to exercise so that we can eat as much as we like?!

