Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Little Missy is Mobile!

As those who follow our goings-on on Facebook have heard, we have reached another milestone: Calli is crawling.

For about two months, she's had the back-leg motions going, but her arms had yet to co-ordinate. It kinda looked like she was trying to swim on the carpet. It also resulted in more than a few face-plants, and it still takes her a moment to realize that pain hurts. Her face makes an expression of confused concern for a moment before she starts fussing.

For the last few weeks, she would rise to her hands and knees, and rock back and forth; a motion my mom called the “Rock and Roll.” I'm guessing she needed some practice at feeling motion in that position, but I'm no expert, so I could just be talking out my ignorance on this one.

Earlier last week, Andrea told me that she had crawled, but it was two “steps.” I thought it would take longer for her to get moving, but on Friday (May 7), she saw something that motivated her to move in earnest, one of the dogs toys. Yup, after all the money spent by us and many family members, she thinks that Kuma's squeeky toy is worth learning a new skill to attain. Thankfully, she'll also crawl to get to her own toys, or the dog's furry toes.

Awhile ago, we learned that crawling isn't an essential developmental skill. Over the long haul, there isn't anything she gains from crawling that she needs to grow into a fully-functioning adult. Many kids will skip crawling, including one cousin of Andrea's; she just rolled everywhere! That would be kinda funny to watch, but for a first child (which she was), it may have been a a cause of concern.

Most of the comments on Facebook were to the tune of “Congratulations! Put your valuables of higher shelves!” Our glass-top coffee table is now in the basement; she'll have plenty of opportunity to get stitches, there's no need to give her greater odds of needing Emergency Room visits!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some cupboards to child-proof. The dish-soap bottle looks too much like her “Boppies” for my liking...


  1. When I first saw the title I thought your daughter had a cell phone(we call them mobiles)
    How lovely that she is able to get about, as you say one has to hide many things so little hands don't touch.
    My pc has been off colour to day, I couldn't post or recieve comments,hence the Bermuda triangle.
    Thanks for the visit.much appreciated.


  2. haha congrats Will. Ah the crawling stage. Last time I checked my Newphew was still crawling backwards, altho I did hear that he just started moving forward but hes still a little behind his older brother. Cali is moving fast.

  3. Now the fun begins! :O) Congrats on this 1st of MANY milestones!

  4. It might not be essential, but she'll certainly be moving faster now.

  5. Love this post, lol. Now go on an'childproof those cupboards!

  6. yeah the mobile stage. no more setting them down and returning only to find they are crawling like a cock roach up the stairs!

    this is where drinking heavily will help much!

  7. Uh oh, the baby is on the move, congrats :)

    My last comment got eaten by blogger I think... anyway, yes I saw my challenge. I need to go shopping, because I looked and I have ONE SINGLE box top in my pantry. Which is sad, because it also demonstrates lack of food :)

  8. They're so cute when they first start crawling. I mean, sure, anything under the coffee table, or under end tables is is fair game and children are freakishly strong and can destroy anything they touch. But still, so cute!

    Yeah, I'm a dork about the Box Tops. Maybe they don't have them in Canada. I fixed the link in my blog post so you can see that they look like. You and Rachel are cracking me up. I wasn't challenging y'all per se, I was just using you as an example. And if you wanted to send a couple, it's an added bonus. Okay, fine, maybe I was challenging y'all.

  9. durg, looks like Blogger ate my comment as well...

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! Sounds like your life is going to be a little more exciting now with a moving baby. I have no experience with such matters, but I'm sure it is pretty exciting!

    I'm thinking of helping a charity that helps shelter animals, maybe even a new one I've discovered that trains former shelter dogs to be companion animals to war veterans struggling with PTSD. Just need to figure out how recycled clothing design fits with that, but I'm sure I will eventually...

    Good luck with your baby adventures, and I hope to visit again soon!

  10. I remember child proofing the house. If there's a danger, kids seem to gravitate toward it. Spare no expense was my philosophy.

    Stephen Tremp

  11. I had my friends little boy stay for two weeks who was of a similar age... I had NO IDEA how smart these kids are at grabbing EVERYTHING that isn't tied down!!

  12. Hi IF you go to my post "A New Beginning" there is an award for you, I appreciate all the support you have given me.


  13. Oh how lovely :o) She'll be tearing around flat-out soon. I love the crawling stage.
