Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where's My Medal?

It has been wa-a-ay too long, but you know, life happens. The big thing was that we had settled into something of a routine. Andrea's been great about taking the overnight feedings when I have to work, leaving me to cover two nights. It sounds wildly imbalanced when I say it like that, but we're doing what we can to work around my full-time job.

Which brings me to something another Blogger – Vodka Logic, I think, but I can't seem to find the reference – brought up: there still seems to be this perception that men who help with diapers & other newborn inconvenience deserve medals and parades! Honestly, I helped to bring the little gaffer into the world! Even if you believe in a version of a Creator (and I do, though I wouldn't try to offer a definition of Creator, or believe that any institution corners that market, but I digress...), it was my pearl jam that got the ball rolling. Therefore, I have a responsibility to pull my weight! I had a great Paternal Model, and understand that there's more to it than passing-on a family name and teaching them to hate what I hate (“Take off your sunglasses when you're inside, you look like a damn poseur!”).

So in conclusion; Diapers? Nasty, but it takes less time than the average commercial break, so SUCK IT UP! Getting up in the night? It doesn't last long, and it's a great excuse for not bringing my A-Game at work :) Besides, my darling wife deserves a good nights sleep, even if I can only do it twice a week.

And another thing: many women wind up with men who resemble their fathers. Now THERE'S something to make a father's head spin! So when she's in high school, do I want to be up all night waiting for her to come home when I know what a ph'khol her boyfriend is? Or do I want to trust that she knows how a considerate fellow is supposed to treat her?

On a more mundane note, I finally got my first Late-Night-moodiness-incident last night (my turn). I thought she just needed a changing. She was wet, so that was that, and yet it wasn't. So after she wouldn't settle for half an hour, I fed her, nearly two hours early. Long story short, it took two feedings, three changings, and two ½ hours for her to settle. Just when she seemed to be sleepy, I put her down, and ten minutes later, she'd fuss again! This happened about three times! The funny thing is, we'll look back on this time as “The easy part!” Can I get an 'Amen'?


  1. I may have made some reference to how men are looked up as heros if they do change a diaper but I didn't word it that way.. so I won't take credit for the reference...entirely. Could have been the Why do Woman Change bit..but anyway. And sure you helped bring her into the world but that was the easy part. ;)

    And suck it up is right.. why is it woman rasie/watch are with their children but men babysit..no they are being a father. From I what I read you want to be that and a good roll model as a man. I love that.

    I would imagine that won't be the last of the fussies, and it may be only two nights but I imagine the wife is more than greatful.

    And you couldn't be more right about this being the easy part...then there is dating, driving etc...you sound like you have a clue so AMEN>

  2. Wow, a man that actually gets up and helps with the baby? I would've paid cash money for my kids dads to get up with them even one night a week.

    You're a good daddy!
