Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tick, tick, tick GO!

Are you excited? I'm excited. Two more sleeps 'till NaNoWriMo. Well, excited and pretty intimidated.

I've got part of my NaNo kit together. I've got the memory stick I need to transfer my work from my netbook to the main computer so I can print it off & my wife can follow along. She's pretty excited to track my progress. I've been storing-up podcasts from my favorite podcasters for inspiration, and I've been listening to “B-Listers” leading up to November. (they aren't inferior podcasts, they just aren't as relateable to my work.) And I've got my vitamin B.

Yet to get: Ginko Baloba, which is supposed to be a mental pick-me-up. I may need another ink cartridge for my printer. And a bag of Starbucks beans. Can I get a “Hell Yeah”? Perhaps another writing magazine for inspiration.

Another helpful idea I heard was to have a book from an inspirational author (George RR Martin in my case) and a book by a lackluster author, so after ten minutes with it, I can say, “Well, I certainly can do better than this!” I need not mention that author.

One more tip: Summer Ross will be posting prompts for us all, 'cause Lord knows that we're all gonna get stuck!

Yesterday, I found a pre-NaNo gathering in my town, so I went to meet some other participants. I also have a friend at work who's participating, so I dragged her along. We met some great people, one who's writing similar stories, and one who isn't, but who's well-versed in the legends I'm basing my story on. Sweet, and sweet! We're getting together again on Tuesday for a write-in at the same place, the manager of Casa Cappuccino is tickled pink!

It was the last minute that I firmly decided to go, since my darling Snookerdoodles had me up at 3:30. I wish that was a typo, but no, it was oh-dark-hundred, alright. By the time she finally settled, it was less than an hour before my alarm was due to go off, so I just stayed up. Yay. But I made it, and met some great people, and hopefully, we'll have a bigger turn-out on Tuesday. Good times! And just a little “eep.”


  1. Good luck with NaNoWriMo.

    If you get a chance before you begin, stop by my blog "Substitute Teacher's Saga" for a Halloween Haunting from 10/28-11/1. There are prizes!

  2. Thanks for posting about me in your blog!

  3. My outline and characters are ready, but I've not attended any meetings or read any books or listened to podcasts - is that bad?

  4. Sounds like you'll have a great experience doing NaNo. I'll be interested to see the outcome!
    And thanks for commenting on my Halloween House post. My daughter has a lot of fun with this!

    Have a great Sunday, and a great month of writing, writing, writing!!

  5. Sounds like you are really psyched up for this. Gosh now I feel so sludgy after all of your enthusiasm. Good for you and good luck to you!

    Tossing It Out

  6. Hi Will .. you sound organised for the fun and games .. starting now!! It will be an amazing month .. hard work, but fun .. enjoy the process ...

    All the best - Hilary

  7. You are ready to go, and how neat that your wife is following along.
    Kudos for not listing the bad author!
    Good luck with NaNo.

  8. Go, Go, Go, Will! And never underestimate the creative juices that begin to flow when you get naked... I'm just sayin...

  9. I wish you luck with this.

    All the best, Boonie

  10. well, you sound excited and are uber prepared!!! Good luck :-)

  11. I hope your Nano experience is going well!! :)
